KHQ: City leaders and organizers to discuss raising taxes to improve affordable housing in Spokane

Spokane Alliance says affordable housing has been an issue in Spokane for many years and is only becoming a bigger issue. They say the levy 1590 is a chance for Spokane to be a leader and make change without Olympia stepping in.

KHQ Local News - by Bradley Warren - Tue., October 14, 2020

SPOKANE, Wash. - City leaders and organizers from The Spokane Alliance will come together to discuss a possible raise in taxes.

Multiple groups from across Spokane, from clergy members to real estate agents, are working to see if new tax money could go towards improving affordable housing.

Right now, the sales tax rate in Spokane is 8.9% and it could go up to 9% for the average shopper, which is $16 a year.

The alliance says affordable housing has been an issue in Spokane for many years and is only becoming a bigger issue. They say this is a chance for Spokane to be a leader and make change without Olympia stepping in.

The increase in tax that they’re calling for is something they could do under levy 1590.

It calls for a vote in the city council versus on the ballot.

That tax increase would generate $5.8 million annually for affordable housing and build 100 homes a year over the next 20 years.

The city missed its first deadline to opt-in on this, The Spokane Alliance is pushing for a vote before Dec. 15, which would put the tax raise in place on April 1, 2021.

Multiple members of the city council will be attending tonight’s zoom, they say they’re expecting over 100 people. The meeting will take place from 7-8:30 p.m.

For more information on 1590.

Read the original story.


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