Become a Friend of the Spokane Alliance with a Monthly Donation

Every day, families in Spokane face social and economic hardships and injustices that harm families and make people feel powerless. Your commitment makes it possible for us to organize WITH people for change, solving these problems and creating a more just community.

 Your donations will support: 

  • On the Ground Organizers to work with everyday leaders to act on their concerns and values
  • Leadership Institutes that train new leaders to participate in public action
  • Action Campaigns that have real impacts for members of our community


Spokane Alliance

Spokane Alliance is a Section 501 (c) (4) organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Code.  As such it is free to advocate and lobby on a wide range of important local, regional and state issues.

Spokane Alliance is supported by the dues of its member institutions.  Any contributions to the Spokane Alliance are not tax deductible.



Spokane Alliance United

By donating to Spokane Alliance United, a related 501 (c) (3) organization, you support the Spokane Alliance leadership development, community trainings, and other charitable activities. Donations to Spokane Alliance United are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law

Donate to Spokane Alliance United (below) or mail a check to "Spokane Alliance United" at 1526 E 11th Ave, Spokane, WA 99202. EIN # 85-4006710.