Civic Academy: Imagining a Better Tomorrow

Join hundreds of leaders from unions, citizen organizations, and congregations across the NW US and Western Canada—across the lines of race, culture, and political affiliation—to be inspired to work together to reimagine the kind of community our hearts call us to create.

Thursday, June 4, 6-8 PM

This will be a time for Spokane Alliance leaders to listen, share, and learn with other leaders across the IAF NW about how to rethink and adjust our practices—and possibly areas of focus—to organize effectively during this extraordinary time. The small group discussions that happen during this event will continue locally, guiding our decisions moving forward, regarding all aspects of our work: leadership development, training, outreach to new member organizations, and campaigns.

If you're interested in being a small group leader for this civic academy, please let Katie know. There will be training for group leaders prior to the event. Facilitation of small groups through video calls will be a key skill to develop as we continue to meet virtually. 

This event will take place via Zoom as a video conference with a call-in option. After RSVPing you will be sent the log-in details.

Register here


June 02, 2020 at 6:00pm - 9pm

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