Spokane Alliance Leaders Retreat - Feb 26, 2022

Join leaders from across the Spokane Alliance to build and deepen connections. Our February Leaders Retreat will be an opportunity to re-connect, re-energize, and re-focus on our strategy as an organization.

We are a people power organization working for the common good. We make things happen when we are connected and strategic

This retreat is an opportunity for leaders across the Alliance to find your place in our work. We will envision the future of the Spokane Alliance with all of us working together. We know we are more powerful when every person is playing their part to strengthen the greater whole.

We are building a culture that does not reflect the negative and divisive politics of our time. We are building an abundant world where each of us is valued for who we are and we are stronger because of our diversity.  Here's a preview of the day:

  • Connecting to leaders from across the diversity of our faith, labor, and community group members.
  • Sharing stories of our work and celebrating recent victories.
  • Deepening our understanding of how we work as a power building organization, especially the role of our Strategy Team. Together creating a plan to re-organize and revitalize that team.

COVID Safety: Right now, the plan is for the retreat to take place in person. We will be keeping a close eye on case counts in the community and we will let you know if this needs to change. We will be following COVID safety protocols including masks and social distancing.

In addition, we are asking all participants to be fully vaccinated (and we highly encourage getting a booster shot) or show a negative covid test within 24-48 hours before the retreat.

If you have any questions about COVID safety please email Katie.

January 29, 2022 at 1:00pm - 5pm

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