Sick leave policy crucial

I am glad the Spokane City Council is considering a sick and safe leave policy for all workers in Spokane as it would have made a huge difference in my life.

Spokesman Review - Guest Opinion - Sun., June 21, 2015

by: Joann Pena

When my son Caleb was 6 months old, he came down with viral pneumonia he had caught at his day care. My husband took time off from work to care for our boy. Then my mother took time off from work to care for him. Then I took off work until he was well enough to return to day care.

When I returned to work, they informed me that my doctor’s note wasn’t going to help because it wasn’t me who had been sick. My job of six years ended that day, and my life started to spiral down as we tried to stay afloat. My marriage started coming apart from the financial stress and ended in divorce. I truly believe if there had been paid sick leave, for parents with a sick child, our life would have turned out much better.

A strong sick and safe leave policy will prevent other families in Spokane from the suffering and difficulty my family went through.

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