The Spokane Alliance Delegate Council has commissioned the following four Research Action Teams, based on our collective interests and energy. Each Research Action Teams will analyze the current landscape on their topic, conduct people-led research on concrete, specific and winnable solutions, and come back to the Delegate Council with a power analysis of what it would take to move the needle. Teams are open to members of Spokane Alliance institutions and institutions actively exploring membership.
Research Action Teams Commissioned by the Delegate Council
Housing & Homelessness Team
This team will work on concrete, specific and winnable proposals to all things housing.
Youth & Education Team
This team will look at building power to make concrete changes in our local education system, from the perspective of educators, parents, youth and the broader community.
Inclusive Economic Justice Team
This team will look at policies that will create more inclusive access to our local economy, from the perspective of immigrants, refugees, organized labor, and disability.
Early Learning Team
This team will dive into childcare and early learning, including (but not limited to) childcare cost and availability for working families, pressures on childcare workers, and language access in early learning.
Building OUR Organization
In addition, we are building our internal infrastructure to be a strong and equitable organization. Please indicate below if you are interested in joining any of the standing teams below:
Truth and Transformation
- The goals of this team are to understand the truth and ongoing impacts of colonization, build right relationships with indigenous people and communities, and to identify collective action for the common good.
Equity Team
- This team is working on developing an equity lens to support all of our research action teams and the Spokane Alliance as a whole in being an equitable and welcoming organization.
Fundraising Team
- Raising our own money lets us be an independent organization and set priorities that matter to our members. This team will work to plan a fundraiser and look at grant opportunities.
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