Wrestling with the Truth of Colonization

This eight session training is designed for labor, community, and faith organizations that are a part of Spokane Alliance. You along with others from your organization are invited to join in reflection and learning around the truth of colonization and its ongoing impact in the region where we live. Wrestling with the Truth of Colonization is an initiative of the IAF Northwest and offered locally in conjunction with the Spokane Alliance.

Program Notes:

  • Please confirm that you are able to attend all of the first five sessions before registering, as each session builds on the learnings of the previous evening.
  • This is a training series that seeks to center the lived experiences of Indigenous Peoples, the work that is ongoing in our communities and the emotional work that comes from this. Please be prepared to engage in this emotional labor and reflection.
  • Wrestling with the Truth of Colonization is more than the training sessions listed here, it is a community organizing initiative. The goal is to take the learning and reflection from these sessions and turn them into long-term community organizing efforts towards upholding native sovereignty and real solidarity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities. 

Introductory Briefings:

There are two options to attend an introductory briefing. You must attend *one* of the briefings in order to participate in the series. 

Introductory Briefing Option #1: Thursday, November 9th 6-6:30PM PST

Introductory Briefing Option #2: Monday, November 13th 6-6:30PM PST


First Five Sessions:

Tuesday and Thursday Evenings

Dates: November 14th, 16th, 28th, 30th and December 5th

Time: 6:00-8:00PM PST

* All of the first five sessions listed above will be held over Zoom.

Last Three Sessions:

The last three sessions will be spaced out over three months and designed to continue each individual's personal wrestling, dig into local histories and experiences of Indigenous peoples, and identify action opportunities. 

Thursday, December 7th 6:00-8:00PM with Spokane Tribal Historian Warren Seyler

Thursday, January 11th 6:00-8:00PM with the Salish School of Spokane

Thursday, February 15th 6:00-8:00PM with the American Indian Community Center

* The last three sessions will be held in person in Spokane. Location TBD.

Like all our trainings, this one is free to members of Spokane Alliance member institutions. There are limited slots available for non-member institutions. The full training cost to non-members is $250/person, with a sliding scale available to support access. Please contact Laurel ([email protected]) to see about availability of open non-member slots.


The registration deadline for this event is Tuesday November 7th. 

November 14, 2023 at 6:00pm - 8pm

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